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Woman, wearing a headset, holding a box of nictorine patches.

Free Services

Everything You Need to Quit in One Place

We know from experience just how hard quitting any form of tobacco can be. Whether it’s your first try or your 10th, our free and customizable services are designed to fit your life and give you support that’s proven to help your next quit stick.

Who We Are

The Illinois Tobacco Quitline is a free service available to anyone in Illinois (13+) who wants to quit tobacco.

Our knowledgeable staff have a wide range of experiences and will never shame, blame, or judge you for slipups or setbacks. We will do everything we can to help you succeed long-term.

A combination of quit medications and counseling support are proven to increase your chance of quitting successfully.

Certified Quitline Counselors Are Ready to Help

Your quit success starts with our certified Quitline counselors. They’ve been trained to navigate the ins and outs of quitting, and in some cases, are former tobacco users themselves. Whether you need help quitting smoking or other forms of nicotine, they can help you find the right strategy for your situation.

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See what a real Quitline counselor, Jane, says about her experience helping others on their quit journey

A Quitline counselor will work with you to understand:

  • Your unique obstacles to quitting
  • Defining long-term goals
  • Past experiences and quit attempts
  • Your behavior patterns and tobacco triggers
  • What to do to prepare for quit day
  • How to develop a new self-image
  • Coping strategies for managing stress
  • Lifestyle changes to make quitting easier
  • How to handle physical addiction
  • How to handle social situations
  • Medications that can increase your success
  • Ways to avoid secondhand smoke and aerosol
  • How to pivot after slipups
  • Any concerns you have about the process
  • What quit strategies fit your life

A Custom Quit Plan Designed for You

Your custom quit plan is created for one reason: to help you meet your goals. Creating this plan is an important part of the quit process, but don’t worry: Starting on your first call, a counselor will guide you through each step.

Medical professional talking on the phone and taking notes on a clipboard.

Sessions are flexible, which means you get to choose dates and times that fit your schedule.

The Quitline is available Monday through Friday 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM Weekends 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

You can even sign up for the Reminder Text Program to ensure you don’t miss your calls.

One-on-One Counseling Calls

During your individual counseling calls, you will have the chance to check in on your quit plan progress, discuss what’s working and what isn’t, and get expert help to overcome any challenges or concerns.

When you call, try to be as honest and open with your counselor as you can. Even if you are struggling or slip up, we understand. Quitting is a process, and we’re here for you through all of it—from good days to bad mornings, to celebrating wins and strategizing ways to get back on track.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Improve Your Chance at Quit Success

For those who are eligible, we offer up to 8 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy, including patches, gum, or lozenges. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is a medically approved and proven way to quit tobacco products. Using NRT is not a requirement to quit tobacco or use the Quitline, but when combined with our other services, it can improve your chance of quitting successfully.

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What is NRT?
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NRT Eligibility
Person applying nicotine patch to their shoulder


Person opening a package of nicotine gum

Nicotine Gum

Partially open package of nicotine lozenges, with several more unopened packages in the background


Once enrolled with the Quitline, a counselor will complete an NRT assessment and walk you through your options, like nicotine patches, lozenges, or gum. Finding the right solution for you may require some trial and error, since every person’s needs are unique. Your counselor will help make sure you’re getting the proper dosage so that you have greater chances for success. The Illinois Tobacco Quitline provides guidance on all FDA-approved over-the-counter and prescription tobacco cessation medications.

Before starting NRT, you should also consult with your health care provider for additional recommendations based on your health and insurance-covered options.

NRT Eligibility Requirements

Eligible callers may receive up to an 8-week supply of NRT from the Illinois Tobacco Quitline twice during a 12-month period.

You may be eligible if you are:

  • Enrolled in Quitline services
  • Over 18 years of age
  • Medically eligible (not pregnant, no heart conditions, etc.)
  • Uninsured or have limited health insurance coverage

Callers are excluded from NRT eligibility for the following reasons:

  • Under 18 years of age
  • Pregnant
  • NRT is medically contraindicated
  • Have Medicaid-only insurance
  • Have private insurance coverage for NRT products
  • Enrolled in other NRT distribution program (for example, worksite wellness)
A nictoine replacement patch being applied.

Ways to Support Friends and Family While Quitting

Nicotine is incredibly addictive, so it can take many tries to quit for good. If you have a friend or family member going through the quit process, your encouragement and support—no matter how many times they may have tried to quit—makes a huge difference in their success.

Offer Encouragement

As much as you may want your loved ones to quit tobacco, it likely won’t stick until they are ready. Instead of offering advice or pushing them to start, ask how you can help or provide support.

Make a Quit Kit

Show them that you understand what they’re going through. Try making a kit that includes distraction tools like gum, toothpicks, and mints to distract them from triggers and cravings for tobacco.

Keep Them Occupied

Spending time with people who support their quit journey can be a big help. It can ease the urge to use tobacco, which usually passes in five minutes, and give them a chance to communicate their challenges without giving in.

Be Patient

It takes time to get used to life without tobacco. Simple things like taking a break or relaxing after a meal may suddenly become difficult. Be ready and empathetic if your loved one acts grumpy or nervous.

To learn more about how to help a friend or loved one quit tobacco, call the Quitline at 1-866-QUIT-YES.

Positive messaging can enhance the quitting process - let us help you.

Once you are enrolled with the Quitline, a counselor will discuss with you the option of enrolling in our motivational text messaging program. Within 24 hours of enrolling, you will begin receiving daily motivational text messages for up to 8 weeks. Text messages will arrive each day at 12 p.m. from the following telephone number: 217-216-8499.

You may opt-out/cancel text messages at any time by texting “stop” to 217-216-8499.

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